
board Profile
Ag. Chief Executive Officer
Eng. Rashid S. Kalimbaga

Directors of Unit

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Ag. Director - Technical Operations
Eng. Jacob D. Mukasa
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Director - Planning and Resource Mobilization
Godlove Stephen
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Director - Finance and Accounts
CPA. Hosea E. Kashimba

Heads of Unit

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Head of Procurement Management Unit
Abdallah H. Mtey
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Head of ICT Unit
Emmanuel Mwakajinga
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Head of Human Resources Management and Administration
Aureus J. Mapunda
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Chief Internal Auditor
Hamis Majala

Members of Staff

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Principal Internal Auditor
Kishimba J. Shadrack
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Principal Accountant
CPA. Kukwe G. Nyabusalo
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Principal Driver
Msitiri M. Malongwe
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Principal Monitoring and Evaluation Officer
Pastory Ushindi
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Principal Computer Systems Analyst
Jastine D. Govela
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Principal Engineer
Gloria Rweyendela
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Principal Economist
Prosper Fivawo
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Principal Accountant
CPA. Anna T. Masaro
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Principal Driver
Joseph Mwabulwa
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Principal Engineer
Jonas Makyara
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Senior Engineer
Nedrick Godfrey
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Senior Office Management Secretary
Maria B. Zephrine
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Senior Office Management Secretary
Agnes Augustine
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Records Management Assistant
Elibariki Eliud
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Johannes Subira
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Human Resources Officer
Hindu Augossy
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Senior Public Relations Officer
Theresia J. Mwami
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Principal Accountant
CPA. Odemari N. Rushita
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Principal Procurement and Logistics Officer
Rehema Lungo
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Senior Legal Officer
Zakia S. Lwamala

Members of Staff

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Senior Accountant
Erasto Bemeye
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CPA. Afia Ndyamukama
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Records Management Assistant
Agnes Kazoza