Audited Reports

  • Audited Financial Statements as of 30th June, 2023 Download
  • Annual Report for FY 2021/22 Download
  • Annual Report for FY 2020/21 Download
  • RFB Evaluation Report on Roads Projects Implementing Agency's Performance Download
  • Overall Technical Preventive Monitoring Findings FY 2020-21 Download
  • Use of Framework and Long Term Maintenance Contracting To Address Impact of Climate Change Download
  • Implication of climatic Change on the Management of Roads in Tanzania Download
  • Adaptation to Impact of Climate Change on Road Infrastructure Download
  • Climate Change “What is it, what importance, what are the measures? Download
  • Observed Climate Trends and Future Climate Projections Using Downscaled Multi-Modal Ensembles Download
  • Workshop Programme Download
  • Roads Fund Board Strategic Plan 2021/22 - 2025/26 Download
  • Consultancy Services for Conducting Technical Preventive Monitoring for TANROADS, TARURA, PORALG and MOWT (WORKS) for FY 2021/22, 2022/23 and 2023/24 Download
  • The Proposed Amendments of the Roads and Fuel Tolls Act, (CAP. 220) Download